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5 Tips To Reduce Distractions And Gain Better Focus

In this article we look at 5 ways to reduce distractions and gain better focus.

Gain Better Focus -  Magnifying Glass

Are you someone who has trouble focusing on your work?

Distractions come in all shapes and sizes and can ruin even the best laid of plans and intentions.

Some distractions cannot be helped or ignored (fire alarms or crying babies). Yet many of our daily interruptions can be. 

Read on for five simple steps to eliminating disturbances that keep you from focusing on what matters most.

Gain Better Focus Tip # 1. Turn Off Notifications

We love notifications. From our phone, from our computers, from everything.

Turn them off. You do not need to know every time you get a like or a retweet. You can also turn off notifications from other apps (health, email, news, coupons).

Do the same with notifications that come from your computer for emails and ads. This will lower the number of distractions you will have throughout a day.

Gain Better Focus: No Phone

Tip # 2. Put Away Your Phone!

If at all possible, set your phone to 'do not disturb', but still allow important calls and messages to come through.

By doing this you will no longer be tempted to check in every few moments. Most messages received throughout the day do not need immediate responses anyway.

Gain Better Focus Tip # 3. Only Necessary Programs

If you are working on your computer, be sure only to have open the programs that are necessary for your project.

Are you working on a spreadsheet? Close your email and internet browser.

Limit distractions by only having the programs you need already opened. This will save you time and energy.

Gain Better Focus: Eliminate Clutter

Tip # 4. Clear All the Clutter

Clutter comes in many forms. Physical clutter on your desk. Visual clutter (notes stuck to your monitors), or mental clutter.

Get everything out of your head so you can focus on your task at hand and not worry about distractions.

Gain Better Focus: Tip # 5. Prepare Your Needs

Preparing your needs is about setting up your environment. Make sure your room is the right temperature or that you have a blanket if you tend to get cold.

Make sure you have a beverage, a snack, and any other tools or supplies you will need.

Having everything ready means you will not need to leave your work area and thus get distracted.

Gain Better Focus


Taking a few moments to prepare yourself and your work area can go a long way in helping you to maintain focus and complete projects promptly.

Looking around your area, what steps can you take now to eliminate distractions?

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