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Category Archives for Decision

How Can I Stop Procrastinating?

Everyone procrastinates... sometimes. But if you find that it is a constant problem for you, it’s time to make a few changes in your life. Below are several tactics you can use to help yourself

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Are You A Leader Or A Follower?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a leader? If you have a job, you will know who your leaders are. You might even be in a similar position yourself.According to Napoleon Hill, in the book

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Setting Healthier Boundaries: 5 Tips

In this article we look at 5 Tips For Setting Healthier Boundaries.What is a Boundary?The obvious answer is 'a line that delineates between one side and another.'In the personal development space, a boundary

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How To Make Daring Career Decisions (Decision Making Essentials Part 5)

In this article we look at how to make daring career decisionsPeople head to work each day and complete the tasks required of them.They do this day in and day out, even though it isn’t rewarding for

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How To Overcome Bad Decisions (Decision Making Essentials Part 4)

In this article we look at how to overcome bad decisionsThere is nobody on earth who can lay claim to never making a bad decision.People make too many decisions for them not to make bad decisions once

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5 Steps Towards More Confident Decision Making (Decision Making Essentials Part 3)

In this article we look at 5 steps toward confident decision making.How do you make a decision? Do you know the steps? If you’re having trouble feeling confident in your actions, then maybe it's time

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Decision Making Skills (Decision Making Essentials Part 2)

In this article we look at several decision making skillsAre you good at making decisions? The skill may be natural for some people, but for others it is a struggle to make even the most basic decisions.

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What Is A Decision? (Decision Making Essentials Part 1)

What Is A Decision?What Is A Decision? Some people contend that, in it's simplest form, life is a series of choices.This is true to a certain extent. Except that it's not that simple, because life itself

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9 Positive Reasons To Try Something New

What comes to mind when someone tells you to try something new? Are you eager to jump in and try it out, or are you afraid of possible adverse outcomes? You see, most people get scared away by the

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Survive And Thrive: 8 Ways To Come Out On Top Of Upheaval

Survive And Thrive: 8 Ways To Come Out On Top Of Upheaval"An awful virus threatens society... A loved one dies...The economy shifts... You lose your job..."Let’s face it, upheaval happens whether you’re

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