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Category Archives for Self Esteem

Build Your Self Esteem – A Starter Guide To Self Improvement

So how do you stay calm, composed and maintain self esteem in a tough environment?Here are some tips you may to consider as a starter guide to self improvement.Imagine yourself as a Dart Board. Everything

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5 Ways Negative Self-Talk Will Ruin You Life

So how many of us have encountered this before...You're just about to go on stage to give a speech to your friends and colleagues, and 'darn it', that little creepy voice sneaks in and tells you that 'you're

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The 5 Most Liberating Positive Emotions

How much attention do you pay to your emotions? Are you aware when your mood shifts from the positive emotions you started your day with and indulges the negative emotions that were bubbling beneath

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13 Ways To Give Your Self Esteem A Boost

Low self-esteem can cause a vicious cycle which makes you feel worse and worse. Feeling badly about yourself can lead you to feel unmotivated to change what is making you feel down in the first place.

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6 Qualities Of People Who Just Don’t Care What Others Think

So What...?In a world that often emphasises the need for approval and conformity, there are individuals who possess a remarkable ability to live authentically, not allowing themselves to be swayed by the

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Don’t Let Your Circumstances Dictate Your Self-Worth

For those old enough to remember, Star Trek was a groundbreaking science fiction TV series that started in the 1960s and continues in one form or other today.One of the technological wonders the show employed

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How Learning From Failures Can Boost Your Self-Esteem

The above title seems to be a little illogical doesn’t it?Learning from failures can boost your self-esteem once you realise that you can rebound from these tough challenges.Additionally you learn valuable

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How Learning From Success Can Boost Your Self-Esteem

Learning from success can boost your self-esteem because you can learn more about yourself and your strengths.  Virtually everyone excels in at least one area (and often more than one area). This

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10 Ways To Build A Strong Sense of Self

Building a strong sense of self is a lifelong journey. You will always be challenged in ways that will help you become a smarter, better, and more developed version of yourself. However, this doesn’t

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Planning Your Self-Indulgent Year

With all the things you have to do, you might sometimes feel like you don’t get to do all those fun, frivolous and interesting things you want to do. So what if you just did them? What if you planned

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