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Category Archives for Personal Development

10 Ways To Stop Self-Defeating Behaviour

What is self-defeating behaviour? It's a form of self-sabotage that boils down to you always getting in the way of your personal success. Everyone has goals. Everyone has dreams. There's always something

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10 Ways To Better Understand What Makes You Dissatisfied With Life

Feeling dissatisfied with life is a common experience for many people.It can be difficult to pinpoint exactly what is causing these feelings.However, by exploring some of the possible sources of dissatisfaction,

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6 Practical Steps to Improving Your Life with Positive Self-Talk

Negative self-talk impacts your life in more ways than you can ever imagine.Without realising it, we become our own worst enemies, stripping ourselves of self-confidence and peace of mind.Left unchecked,

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How Can I Stop Procrastinating?

Everyone procrastinates... sometimes. But if you find that it is a constant problem for you, it’s time to make a few changes in your life. Below are several tactics you can use to help yourself

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10 Ways To Build A Strong Sense of Self

Building a strong sense of self is a lifelong journey. You will always be challenged in ways that will help you become a smarter, better, and more developed version of yourself. However, this doesn’t

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Planning Your Self-Indulgent Year

With all the things you have to do, you might sometimes feel like you don’t get to do all those fun, frivolous and interesting things you want to do. So what if you just did them? What if you planned

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Yes, I Will! – A Key Step To Building Confidence

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards greater confidence? It all starts with adopting a resolute mindset that says, "Yes, I will." By embracing this powerful affirmation, you can

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5 Strategies for Obtaining and Maintaining Inner Peace

In all the hustle and bustle of daily life sometimes we all miss a bit of the old 'inner peace'. This article looks at 5 ways to get it!So you’re working toward inner peace? What's that?Perhaps you’ve

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Why Everyone Needs Some Solitude and How to Achieve It

Though humans might be social creatures, we also need time to ourselves. Our brains crave some time to relax.Surprisingly, our society views solitude in a negative light. It’s considered pitiful to be

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7 Strategies to Cultivate Wisdom Before You’re Too Old to Benefit From It

You might be pretty smart, but are you wise? A smart person knows facts, and a wise person knows truths. A smart person can find a solution to a problem. A wise person avoids the problem altogether.They

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