Have you ever realised that nothing is what it seems and that reality is not what you thought it is? That's because it probably isn't! In this article we'll explain why, and what you can do about it.A
Continue ReadingHave you ever had one of those days where - well, it was ONE OF THOSE DAYS!Just nothing went right, everything went WRONG and you felt like screaming and pulling your hair out!Yes, I've had many of those
Continue Readingby Bill Harris (1950-2018), late founder and director of Centerpointe Research Institute.Having choice in your life is THE KEY to happiness, success, health and love. Everything that you can control in
Continue Readingby Bill Harris (1950-2018)Founder, Centerpointe Research InstituteIf you’re struggling in life in any area–health, wealth, relationships or success of any kind, there are 10 important things you should
Continue Readingby Bill Harris, late Founder, Centerpointe Research InstituteWhat you believe has a powerful effect on your life. If you master your beliefs, instead of letting them run loose in your brain, you can use
Continue ReadingIn today’s article we discuss ‘chunking’ and its role in the Internal Map Of Reality. In previous parts of this series, we defined the internal map of reality as a set of ‘internal
Continue Reading(Continued from Part 1) We often describe our internal states as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ – for instance anger is usually called ‘bad’ and ‘happiness’ is usually
Continue ReadingMany people have difficulty in knowing what they do want, but they certainly know what they don’t want! This is usually an indicator of previous negative experiences that have deterred them from
Continue ReadingThis article is about Internal Map of Reality and the Internal States of the mind. Internal States A key part of what is called the ‘Internal Map Of Reality’ is understanding how we reach so-called
Continue Reading(Continued From Part 1) Belief Principle #6: Once you become aware of a non-serving belief and then cause it to fade away, you can then choose a more resourceful belief. Remember, a ‘resourceful’
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