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Category Archives for Life Principles Series

Life Principle #9 – The Neutral Universe

or... 'Life's a Prison - If You Say So!'There is a scene in Shakespeare's 'Hamlet' where he meets his old friends Rosencrantz and Guildernstern. As part of the opening banter, Hamlet refers to the country

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Life Principle #7 – Witnessing (Step Back From Anger and Fear!)

In this article we look at how we can step away from unwanted events such as fear. The key is to 'witness' yourself 'doing' those emotions.Angry!Scared!A few days ago I checked my email and received all

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Life Principle #6: The Principle Of Conscious Change

In this article we look at change and how we can exercise it consciously.If you've been following my blog for a while, you may have picked up on an idea that I have been hinting at, but not stating explicitly

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Life Principle #5 – Empower Yourself with Responsibility

It is often said that if we give people responsibility, they will be empowered.But you can apply this to yourself as well as to others!When you take responsibility for yourself and your actions, you are

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Life Principle #4: The Map Is Not The Territory

Have you ever realised that nothing is what it seems and that reality is not what you thought it is? That's because it probably isn't! In this article we'll explain why, and what you can do about it.A

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Life Principle #3 – Chaos And Reorganization

Have you noticed how crazy things seem to be these days? Just about nothing makes sense. But fear not - read further for an explanation!In Case You Missed It, many observers claim that our current times

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4 Ways NOT to Lose it – Life Principle #2: The Principle Of Threshold

Have you ever had one of those days where - well, it was ONE OF THOSE DAYS!Just nothing went right, everything went WRONG and you felt like screaming and pulling your hair out!Yes, I've had many of those

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Life Principle #1: Let Everything Be OK

Today I want to address something that we all do but many of us don't know how to 'fix'.As you are very aware the world is currently going a complete upheaval due to a certain 'pathogen'.Businesses have

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Life Principle #8: Good and Bad Generalizations

Do you often find yourself always experiencing the 'same old same old' - for instance, no matter what you seem to do to get ahead, you always fall behind?The answer lies in how you perceive and generalize

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