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Category Archives for Self-Belief

Don’t Let Your Circumstances Dictate Your Self-Worth

For those old enough to remember, Star Trek was a groundbreaking science fiction TV series that started in the 1960s and continues in one form or other today.One of the technological wonders the show employed

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10 Ways To Better Understand What Makes You Dissatisfied With Life

Feeling dissatisfied with life is a common experience for many people.It can be difficult to pinpoint exactly what is causing these feelings.However, by exploring some of the possible sources of dissatisfaction,

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5 Questions to Ask Yourself to Find Your Life’s Purpose

Some people seem to be born knowing what they want in life. They find their passions or their talents early and just know to go after them. If you’re struggling to work out what is you really want to

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Planning Your Self-Indulgent Year

With all the things you have to do, you might sometimes feel like you don’t get to do all those fun, frivolous and interesting things you want to do. So what if you just did them? What if you planned

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Build Your Self Confidence Part 7 – Stop Trying To Control Or Change That Which You Can’t

In the final article in this series, we look at the things that we probably shouldn't try and control if we are to build our self confidence.If everyone could control 100% of everything happening in their

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Build Your Self Confidence Part 6 – Tap Into Your Inner Strength

One of the most powerful personal tools lies deep within us: our sense of inner strength! All people have a sense of inner strength, and while some people may have more obvious inner strength than others,

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Build Your Self Confidence Part 3 – Feed Your Mind

One of the best ways you can build more self-confidence is to feed your mind.Feeding your mind – or making an effort to learn as much as you can about the world around you – is an excellent way to

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What’s Your Attitude?

What is the “Magic Word?”The term ‘Magic Word’ was first used by Earl Nightingale in the series ‘Lead The Field’, and later adopted by his protégé, Bob Proctor.Definition of AttitudeThe magic

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Build Your Self Confidence Part 2 – Conquer Your Limiting Beliefs

Are you ready to unleash your full potential and overcome the barriers holding you back?You can build your self-confidence by conquering your limiting beliefs.Imagine a life where you break free from the

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Free E-Book: The Daily Optimist

Please find below your FREE e-book - 'The Daily Optimist', as well as a workbook you can use to enhance your faculty of optimism!STANDARD VERSIONClick the image above for your free e-book - standard versionENHANCED

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