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Category Archives for Action

Decide… It’s Your Life!

Life is About Choices and the Decisions We MakeLife is like a road. There are long and short roads; smooth and rocky roads; crooked and straight paths. In our life many roads would come our way as we journey

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Practise what you Preach… The Power of Praxis!

Have you ever heard the saying ‘Practice what you preach?”Sure, it’s certainly a common enough saying, but what does it really mean?When it comes to getting the results you want in life, there is

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The Void Between Knowing And Doing

For most of us there is an obvious void between what we think and know, and what we actually do. This void can be a problem when we want favourable results in our lives.The reason for this is what is called

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8 Ways To Motivate Yourself

In this article we look at 8 ways to motivate yourself, including focusing on your goals and inspiring yourself.Motivation is common when you’re heading to the beach or shopping for a new car. But some

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Creating Intentional Habits – How to Set Yourself Up to Win Every Day

by Jeff Walker, Creator of Product Launch Formula & New York Times Bestselling AuthorOne of the ways that I've gotten the results I've gotten in my life, which, at least by my standards has been pretty

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Lights, Camera, ACTION!

What Is Action? In philosophy, an action is something which is done by an agent. In common speech, action is synonymous with our behavior. Our behavior can be goal oriented or not. Our actions can move

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