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Category Archives for Gratitude

Emotional Intelligence 101: Nurturing Your EQ for Personal and Professional Triumph

In today's fast-paced world, achieving success isn't just about having a high IQ or impressive technical skills. More and more, people are recognising the importance of emotional intelligence (EQ) in both

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8 Self-Care Habits That Will Change Your Life

If you’re like most people, you probably do a pretty good job of caring for the most important people in your life. However, you probably forget the most important person: You.The better care you take

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6 Qualities Of People Who Just Don’t Care What Others Think

So What...?In a world that often emphasises the need for approval and conformity, there are individuals who possess a remarkable ability to live authentically, not allowing themselves to be swayed by the

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The Gratitude Filter – a.k.a. “Let Whatever Happens Be OK”

By the late Bill Harris, founder of Centerpointe Research Institute.Do you find yourself (sometimes or often) at the mercy of anger, resentment, stress or jealousy? Let’s be honest with ourselves and

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The Gratitude Filter [AKA “Let Whatever Happens Be Okay”]

By Bill Harris, late founder of Centerpointe Research InstituteDo you find yourself (sometimes or often) at the mercy of anger, resentment, stress or jealousy? Let’s be honest with ourselves and each

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6 Inspiring Morning Quotes To Make Your Day Buzz Along!

In this article we share 6 Inspiring Morning QuotesYou've probably toyed with the idea already.You've heard there are better ways to start your day and even considered how you might become more intentional

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Your Essential Richness Part 3: Form An Image Of What You Want

This is article shows you how to create an image of your essential richness. Table of Contents 1. Introduction2. Create An Image Of What You Want3.

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3 Ways To Find Hope In Uncertain Times

3 Ways To Find Hope In Uncertain TimesLet's face it, the last 18 months or so have not been the best for most people on this earth! All we have to do is to glance at the headlines to see that!But in general,

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Is There More To Abundance Than Money?

Is There More To Abundance Than Money?Some people equate financial success with abundance. Having money may be a significant part of having plenty, but there’s much more to it.Abundance is a mindset

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Do You Need Gratitude?

How are you feeling these days?If you're feeling crook, my sympathy!It's possible you may be missing an important ingredient to life, namely Gratitude. (It's like eating fries without salt!)Why Gratitude?Well,

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