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Category Archives for Affirmations

5 Ways Negative Self-Talk Will Ruin You Life

So how many of us have encountered this before...You're just about to go on stage to give a speech to your friends and colleagues, and 'darn it', that little creepy voice sneaks in and tells you that 'you're

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The 5 Most Liberating Positive Emotions

How much attention do you pay to your emotions? Are you aware when your mood shifts from the positive emotions you started your day with and indulges the negative emotions that were bubbling beneath

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8 Self-Care Habits That Will Change Your Life

If you’re like most people, you probably do a pretty good job of caring for the most important people in your life. However, you probably forget the most important person: You.The better care you take

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Your Essential Richness Part 4: Trust The Source And Let It Happen

Your Essential Richness Part 4: Trust The Source And Let It HappenIntroductionIn this week’s article we’re going depart somewhat from the ‘scientific’ way of understanding your essential richness

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Your Essential Richness Part 3: Form An Image Of What You Want

This is article shows you how to create an image of your essential richness. Table of Contents 1. Introduction2. Create An Image Of What You Want3.

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How Affirmations Can Melt Your Fears Away

In this article we look at how using affirmations can reduce anxiety and melt your fears away.Affirmations can be a simple way to address your fears and make progress in a non-threatening way. Affirmations

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Success Affirmations: The Way To Achieving What You Want

Success Affirmations: The Way To Achieving What You WantDo you often envision yourself achieving great things, and then follow this up with a negative thought process?Do you talk yourself out of your

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A Short Guide To Programming Your Subconscious Mind

In this article we look at 5 ways of programming your subconscious mind.Since the beginning of the study of the mind, the idea that we have a subconscious mind has been very prevalent.Depending on who

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