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Strengthen Your Focus – 7 Simple Ways

In this article we look at 7 simple ways to strengthen your focus

Strengthen Your Focus

Focus is the new superpower! Think about it: how many times has someone asked you a question, but didn’t hear your response because their smartphone distracted them.

They couldn’t focus on your response for five seconds, and they actually wanted to know the answer!

If you want to have a huge advantage over all the competition in your life, learn how to avoid being distracted.

You’ll find there isn’t really as much competition as you originally thought. You’ll be able to get far more done in far less time. That’s a real advantage.

Here are 7 ways to avoid distraction and strengthen your focus:

1. Work at an optimal time. 

We all have a time of day that we’re best at focusing. For most people, it’s either early in the day or later at night that our ability to focus is at its highest.

Whenever possible, schedule those activities that require great focus during those times. Save easier tasks for other times of the day.

2. Remove distractions. 

One way to be less distracted is to have fewer distractions.

Consider what commonly distracts you and do what you can to eliminate those distractions from your environment.

For example, the phone cannot distract you if it’s turned off and in the other room.

The TV isn’t a distraction if there isn’t one in the room.

If you’re distracted by a noisy environment, use noise-cancelling headphones while you work.

Strengthen Your Focus: Intention

3. Strengthen Your Focus By Setting Your Intentions.

Decide what you’re going to accomplish before you begin a task.

How long are you going to work on it? What is the endpoint? Is it completion or a specific amount of time?

Decide that you’re going to focus on this task until you reach that endpoint.

4. Use a timer. 

Using a timer is an easy way to magnify your focus and minimise distractions.

Set the timer for the appropriate amount of time and see how much you can get done in that time.

Commit to working non-stop until your time elapses.

Strengthen Your Focus: Practice

5. Practice focusing in your daily life. 

The way to avoid being distracted is to be good at focusing. You’re either doing one or the other every moment of the day.

Whether you’re eating a meal, driving, taking a shower, watching TV, or having a conversation, try to focus completely on what you’re doing.

  • Focus is a skill that grows with practice.

6. Strengthen Your Focus By Taking Breaks. 

No one can focus intently for hours and hours without a break.

Experiment and see how often you need to take a break and how long your breaks need to be to feel recharged.

  • Keep in mind that it’s better to take a break before you actually feel the need for one.
  • Studies have shown that most people do best with a five-minute break every 30 minutes.

    A longer break is needed every couple of hours. Use this information as a starting point and experiment.
Strengthen Your Focus: get enough sleep

7. Get sufficient sleep.

You can’t focus well if you’re not getting enough sleep. Your brain just doesn’t work very well without the rest it requires.

  • How much sleep do you need? As much as it takes, but it’s likely to be more than you first guess. 

The National Sleep Foundation recommends 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night for individuals aged from 25 to 64 and a little less for those 65 and over. Check out their website for more information.

Strengthen Your Focus  - In Conclusion 

It would be awesome to be able to fly or to walk through walls, but that’s not going to happen.

The ability to focus, however, is an incredibly powerful skill that you can actually develop.

When you can do more at a higher level in less time, the competition in your life evaporates.

You can outwork everyone without feeling like you’re working that hard.

Avoid distraction and be a superhero!

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