(Continued From Part 1)
Once you become aware of a non-serving belief and then cause it to fade away, you can then choose a more resourceful belief. Remember, a ‘resourceful’ belief is one that serves you and helps you get what you want.
In my own experience, I chose not to become a professional footballer, but this was not an unresourceful belief for me. If I had wanted to be a professional footballer then I would have to have resourceful beliefs about the game that I don’t have now.
A key step in replacing beliefs that don’t serve you is to discover what you actually believe in the first place.
There is a simple way to do this, and that is to ask yourself a few questions like:
‘I am… ‘
‘People Are…’
‘The World is…’
Please note, when you answer these questions, be honest with yourself. Many people may come up with preprogrammed stuff like “I am one with everything” “The world is filled with abundance.” or “The Universe Is Here To Serve Me.”
If you actually believed these statements you would already be ‘abundant’ or ‘at one with everything’
This is a cardinal reason why affirmations have little effect on many people.
An affirmation is meant to be a statement of belief. Saying to yourself (in relation to finances) ‘I am a rich person’ over and over will mean nothing to you if you see yourself as poor.
A more resourceful affirmation might be to acknowledge that you are currently ‘not rich’ and then say: ‘I can be a rich person and I am taking action to be that person.’
Of course, this assumes you believe you can be rich. If you do not believe this, you need to ‘unpack’ your belief, and decipher where and how you acquired that belief. You can do this by re-reading the principles above and below.
Another way to determine what you believe is to look at the results you’re getting.
What you actually believe will manifest in reality and generate certain results.
For instance, if you believe you’re financially poor, you will most likely be poor. If you believe you’re rich, you probably are.
But if you believe you’re rich when you’re not, you’ll suffer from ‘cognitive dissonance’ – mental or psychological distress – when you look at your bank balance or any other such indicator of your ‘actual’ wealth.
Again, it pays to be honest with yourself and ‘know where you are,’ even though you want to be somewhere else.
Let’s make one thing clear. Although what you believe can manifest in your life, this doesn’t happen by magic. It happens because you DO something to make it manifest.
Just thinking about something (i.e. focusing on it) won’t make it happen. It happens because when you focus your mind, you are motivated to act.
Focusing causes you to notice resources you could use to make it happen, both external and internal, to achieve your goals.
Henry Ford
Henry Ford once said:
“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”
In relation to our beliefs, as long as you continue to hold the same beliefs, you’ll continue to get the same results.
There’s no way to continue to hold the same beliefs and get different results.
To get different results, you must be willing to adopt different beliefs.
To install a new belief, even if it is of someone else, focus on it as often as possible and in every way you can think of.
A good place to start is adopt the beliefs of others who are getting the results you want. If you want to be successful at golf, study the beliefs of people who are successful golfers.
Use a ‘belief card’ – write out your new belief on an index card or the back of a business card and carry it with you. Pull it out from time to time and read it out aloud several times.
If you feel some resistance to this process, it is because your previous belief is still strong. Just become at peace with this feeling and it will subside. Eventually the new belief will take over.
Whilst a belief is anything you hold to be true, you can always change your beliefs to serve you better.
Becoming aware of yourself creating and using these beliefs gives you more control over your outcomes in life. Techniques such as meditation and mindfulness can assist with this.