What Is Action?
In philosophy, an action is something which is done by an agent. In common speech, action is synonymous with our behavior. Our behavior can be goal oriented or not. Our actions can move us towards our goals, but they can also move us away from our goals.
There are 2 general things that stop goal achievement. One is ‘incorrect’ actions, i.e. those that move away from goals, despite the intention. Another is fears that inhibit action. ‘Incorrect’ actions can be corrected once their nature is known, but fears are more intrinsic.
Fears are brought about by our limiting beliefs and it is the mechanism that prevents forward or proactive behavior.
There are many types of fear and they all relate to our 7 or 8 areas of life. For example:
- Fear of spiritual failure (“I don’t want to be rejected by God”, “I don’t want to go to hell.”)
- Fear of not having the mental capability. (“I’m not smart enough/good enough.”)
- Fear of failure. (“I’ll fall short”, etc.)
- Fear of losing financially. (“I’ll go broke or bankrupt.” “I won’t make enough money to survive.”)
- Fear of losing loved ones. (“My parents might disown me”, “My lover will leave me”, “My kids will hate me”)
- Fear of rejection. (“I’m afraid of what people will think”, “I won’t fit in”, People won’t want to be with me”.)
- Fear of not having the physical capability. (“I’m not tall enough”, “strong enough”, “good-looking enough.”)
The key to overcoming these fears is to form an affirmation that states the exact opposite.
For example: “I have a loving husband/wife/lover and my kids adore me”
Importantly, always state it as a ‘towards’ affirmation instead of an ‘away from.’ By this I mean
Towards: ‘I am a successful husband’
Away From: ‘I don’t want to fail at being a husband’

So how to get into action?
Well, firstly remember this phrase:
“Your thoughts determine your feelings, which determine your actions.”
This has been said by many (including Mahatma Gandhi), and it is derived from both Hindu and Buddhist philosophy.
In practical terms this means:
- Ask yourself ‘what do I really want’ – start with a general desire, but move progressively to the specific. General needs and wants reflect your values but do not get you specific things. However, specific things will fulfill your values.
- How do you feel about what you want – what will getting it ‘get’ you?
- Change your thoughts – particularly any limiting beliefs as above – to serve your goals. Apart from using affirmations above, you might like to list the benefits of achieving your goal – if you can get up to 200 of these you will be well on your way to changing your thoughts. Indeed you could have a daily routine to think of at least 10 new benefits each day for about 20 days or so.
- Turn this general desire into a well formed goal by using such systems as the SMART system. (You can get more information on this in the article ‘What did YOU want for New Years 2018?‘)
- Ask yourself ‘What 5 things can I do today to move myself closer to my goal?’
- DO them!
- Regularly check your results: did you actually move forward or achieve your goal? If not, modify your actions and repeat them until you do!
The key to success in anything is consistent ACTION!
Take a look at the video by Jack Canfield below for the ‘30,000 foot view’