In this article we look at how using affirmations can reduce anxiety and melt your fears away.

Affirmations can be a simple way to address your fears and make progress in a non-threatening way.
Affirmations are just positive statements that you make to yourself that have the potential to change the way you think and behave.
They seem simple on the surface, but there are several details that must be understood in order to use them effectively.
See below how you can use affirmations as a useful tool in overcoming fears.
1. Keep them positive
Affirmations work better if they’re positive rather than negative. For example:
“I am not afraid of heights” isn’t as effective as “I find heights exhilarating”.
Your brain has a better understanding of what you’re trying to accomplish if they are stated in the affirmative.
Negative statements seem to confuse the part of your brain that you’re trying to reach. You might end up with more of what you're trying to avoid!

2. Use the present tense
It’s also important to keep your statements in the present tense.
The affirmation “I will be brave around women” is stated in the future.
If this actually came true, you’d never be brave around women because this is a character trait that you plan to have in the future!
“I am courageous when speaking to women” is a more effective affirmation.
3. Avoid using too many affirmations
Repeating 150 affirmations means that you can’t repeat them too often or you’d never do anything else.
Too many of them also scatter your attention over too many items. Five to ten are about right.
4. Use them regularly
Repeat your affirmations a few times each day. Preferably at least three times if you’re serious.
That’s three times every single day. It’s only a few minutes each time. You have time for that.
As a good little trick, add them to the notes or reminders app on your phone and have them pop up several times during the day.

5. Make your own Affirmations
There are endless lists of affirmations but be choosy. Find those that appeal to you or make your own.
Whilst the most effective ones are those that you create, also look at those of others for ideas.
6. The best affirmations elicit an emotion
Every affirmation you choose to use should make you feel something when you repeat it. Those with an emotional jolt are more effective.
We like to think we’re logical, but we really aren’t. If we were actually driven by logic, we’d never overeat, skip the gym, or procrastinate.
Logic only shows us what we should do, but often fail to do.
7. Visualize
('Im not afraid of eating this meal... LOL')
Have an image in your mind that represents your affirmation. It might be you fearlessly giving a speech, eating a healthy meal or meeting the person of your dreams.
If you can’t imagine it, you can’t accomplish it.
8. Make use of the time just after waking up and just before falling asleep
The two best times to repeat affirmations is right when you wake up and right before you fall asleep.
You’re in that dreamy, half-awake state. It’s like you have a direct connection to your subconscious.

In Summary
Affirmations are a free, easy, and effective tool that can help you to rise above your fears.
If you have fears, and who doesn’t, add affirmations to your toolbox.
They can be useful in getting over the hump to the point where you can take action. That’s all you really need. You don’t need to be fearless.
The fear just needs to be reduced enough that you’re able to pull the trigger.
Begin by making an affirmation list today. Give it a try for 30 days and decide for yourself if it's worth your effort. You have nothing to lose!
If you would like some inspiration in formulating affirmations, check out the site '25 Affirmations for Anxiety to Calm your Mind'