Confident people don’t just think certain things, they also avoid doing certain things.
If you want to have more confidence, consider avoiding these things, too.
It’s easier to climb a mountain without carrying a rock.
Drop the habits and other behaviours that burden your ability to feel confident.
Without these obstacles getting in your way, you’ll create a new ceiling for your confidence.
Make it as easy as possible to have confidence in yourself.
Avoid these confidence-destroying traps:
1. Confident People Engage in Positive Self-Talk
You can’t feel confident and say negative things to yourself.
For instance, don't say 'I can't do...' but say 'How can I do...'
If you want to feel positive about yourself, it helps to have a positive outlook.
Negative thoughts drain away positive emotions, including the positive feeling of confidence.
2. Self-criticism
This is one of the worst things to do.
Instead of picking on your faults, remind yourself of your successes and virtues.
Be your own best friend and supporter.
3. People that sabotage them
Most of the people in your life don’t want to see your success rise too far above their own.
If you want to maximise your self-confidence, it’s best to avoid these people as much as possible.
4. Confident People Do Not Complain
Complaining is insidious. It suggests that you can’t fix the challenges in your life.
Instead of complaining, work on a solution. Know in your heart that you can handle any challenge in your life and do it.
5. They Do Not Seek attention
Confident people don’t need a lot of attention from others. If you’re confident in yourself, you’ll be too busy taking care of business to worry if others are paying attention.
Only those lacking in confidence need attention and approval.
6. They Do Not Worry about what others are doing.
Be confident that you have a good plan and are capable of executing it.
Let everyone wonder what you’re doing instead of worrying about what they’re doing.

7. Confident People Do Not Allow A Lack Of Certainty To Stop Them
People that lack confidence need 100% certainty.
On the other hand, those that are confident can take action with far less than complete information.
70% is usually enough to get started. Be confident and get busy.
8. They Do Not Avoid Making Decisions
Rash decisions usually turn out poorly but taking too long to make a decision is ineffective, too.
Confident people make decisions more quickly and easily than those that are lacking in confidence. Indecisiveness is just a form of procrastination.
9. They Don't Rely On Luck
Luck is for those without the confidence to take responsibility.
Wish, hope, or pray all you like, but keep moving your feet.
Confident people will take luck when they get it, but they don’t rely on it. They know they will succeed without it.
10. Confident People Do Not Make Excuses
Excuses are a way for those without confidence to justify quitting. If you’re confident, you don’t look for excuses.
You look for solutions and then implement them. If you catch yourself making excuses, ask yourself why you’re doing it.
Summing Up
How confident are you? What would happen if you could become the most confident person you know?
The difference in your life would be staggering.
Confident people avoid certain things. If you want to be confident, it makes sense to avoid those same things.
How confident do you want to be?
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