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Can You Catch The Big Kahuna?

One of the pearls of wisdom I picked up from the Paradigm Shift live stream last February (2018) was about goals.

Now, if you have been around the personal development space for a while, you probably don’t want to hear yet another way to set goals!

However this was a little different.

According to Sandy Gallagher, the three types of goals are:

A. The A type goal is where you don’t need to stretch yourself because you know you can achieve it and it is quite within your comfort zone. Most people set these kinds of goals.

B. The B type of goal is the one where you ‘think’ you can get it, although it is still well out of your comfort zone. This is the goal that gives people the shudders because although it is outside your comfort zone you are still aware of it.

However, what people do not even think of is the C Type goal – The Big Kahuna!

What the hell is this?

This is the goal that is so far outside your awareness that if someone even suggests it, you will deny it is possible.

Yet people are capable of achieving ALL 3 types of goal.

Many people have trouble setting goals because their paradigm won’t let them. Some have trouble even with A and B Goals because they have a lot of counter programming.

This can be things such as limiting values and beliefs such as ‘I’m not good enough’ or ‘The world is out to get me’, or ‘It’ll never work’.

To overcome these problems – the only way is to change your paradigm.

Check out Sandy’s article about it here:

Reserve your seat for the next live stream of Paradigm Shift here. At the time of writing you can get a $50 discount on the price of the next one – which streams live over the internet between June 29th and July 1st 2018.

Beyond this, please check for the next dates here.