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Finding Yourself: The Secret

The Secret to Finding Yourself'Trying to find yourself' has gotten a mixed reputation. It can be a convenient excuse when you want to break up with someone without mentioning the real reasons. It can

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Success Affirmations: The Way To Achieving What You Want

Success Affirmations: The Way To Achieving What You WantDo you often envision yourself achieving great things, and then follow this up with a negative thought process?Do you talk yourself out of your

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How To Stay Organized When The Going Gets Tough

In this article we discuss 7 ways to keep your life organized, even when the going gets tough and it all falls apart!In general you're an organized person with plans and schedules......but sometimes life

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Show Your Individuality In 7 Ways

7 Ways to Show Your IndividualityIt’s not easy to stand out and reveal yourself to the world. We learn early in life that it’s often easier to blend in. Standing out in a school setting often results

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3 Ways To Find Hope In Uncertain Times

3 Ways To Find Hope In Uncertain TimesLet's face it, the last 18 months or so have not been the best for most people on this earth! All we have to do is to glance at the headlines to see that!But in general,

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Fulfilled People and their 5 Wicked Practices

Fulfilled People and their 5 Wicked Practices!Have you noticed that some people just seem to be naturally content? They always seem to be cheery and fulfilled, no matter what’s happening in their lives.

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How To Find Your Life Balance

Can you find balance in your life? Some say you can, while others say there is no such thing if you want to highly successful.It’s true that many of the most high-profile successful people have anything

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Find A Passion That Makes You Happy

Find a Passion That Makes You HappyFinding a passion in life is one of the most important links in the circle of happiness. If you’ve ever felt passionate about something, you know how it puts a smile

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Walking The Brain: 8 Ways To Improve Your Brain By Walking

Walking The Brain - 8 Ways To Improve Your Brain By WalkingYour Brain Needs A Walk?It may surprise you to hear that something as simple as walking can improve your brainpower. It doesn’t even have to

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The Top 10 Components Of A Success Mindset

Success starts with your mindset. It goes without saying that different mindsets give different outcomes. A poor mindset leads to poor results. Conversely a 'success' mindset leads to success. While your

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