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Self Confident People And Their 8 Characteristics

Self Confident People and their 8 CharacteristicsAre you self-confident? Do you know how to recognise self-confidence in others?Self-confidence is important.Consider that if you didn’t have any self-confidence,

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What Happens to Your Brain When You Learn?

By Ryan Standifird, Centerpointe Research InstituteIntroductionOur brains are constantly changing, growing, and evolving - in a process known as neuroplasticity.If you meditate (especially with Holosync®)

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Laugh Your Way to Good Health: The Many Health Benefits of Laughter

Laugh Your Way To Good Health - in this article we look at the many health benefits of laughter.Everybody enjoys a good laugh, whether it’s from a sitcom on TV, a live comedy show, or because a friend

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Seven Top Tips To Turn Adversity Into Success

This article includes some powerful tips to help you turn adversity into success. It also includes 3 actionable steps you can take right away, and a suggested reading list for those who

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8 Ways To Stay Calm In Any Situation

In this article we will be looking at 8 ways to stay calm in any situation. This information is crucial in the current era, as discussed below.Pandemic Preface!As I write this we are 2 years into the 'Covid

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5 Keys To Managing Your Unhelpful Thoughts

5 Keys To Managing Your Unhelpful ThoughtsIt never seems to fail. You’re trying to concentrate on your work, but your mind wanders off to a completely unrelated topic. Or, maybe you’re about to go

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How To Stay Calm in Any Situation

How To Stay Calm in Any SituationHave you ever noticed that some people stay calm under pressure much better than others? Would you like to become one of those people?Everyone has a different tolerance

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Life Principle #9 – The Neutral Universe

or... 'Life's a Prison - If You Say So!'There is a scene in Shakespeare's 'Hamlet' where he meets his old friends Rosencrantz and Guildernstern. As part of the opening banter, Hamlet refers to the country

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Life Principle #7 – Witnessing (Step Back From Anger and Fear!)

In this article we look at how we can step away from unwanted events such as fear. The key is to 'witness' yourself 'doing' those emotions.Angry!Scared!A few days ago I checked my email and received all

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Life Principle #6: The Principle Of Conscious Change

In this article we look at change and how we can exercise it consciously.If you've been following my blog for a while, you may have picked up on an idea that I have been hinting at, but not stating explicitly

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