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Category Archives for Self-Belief

How To Stay Inspired After The Newness Wears Off

How To Stay Inspired After the Newness Wears OffHave you ever started a project, got yourself knee deep in it, only to find you motivation has totally evaporated?If you're like most people, the lure of

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6 Ways To Silence Your Inner Critic

6 Ways To Silence Your Inner CriticHey dude… It’s time you cultivated an attitude!Sure, life can be hard sometimes. The last thing you need is your Inner Critic taking the wheel, getting on your case

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Self Confident People And Their 8 Characteristics

Self Confident People and their 8 CharacteristicsAre you self-confident? Do you know how to recognise self-confidence in others?Self-confidence is important.Consider that if you didn’t have any self-confidence,

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Overcome Shyness In 6 Easy Ways

Overcome Shyness In 6 Easy WaysShyness is a common complaint, especially among school-age children. But adults can also be shy and find their shyness to be a frustrating barrier to living life to the

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Finding Yourself: The Secret

The Secret to Finding Yourself'Trying to find yourself' has gotten a mixed reputation. It can be a convenient excuse when you want to break up with someone without mentioning the real reasons. It can

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Show Your Individuality In 7 Ways

7 Ways to Show Your IndividualityIt’s not easy to stand out and reveal yourself to the world. We learn early in life that it’s often easier to blend in. Standing out in a school setting often results

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Fulfilled People and their 5 Wicked Practices

Fulfilled People and their 5 Wicked Practices!Have you noticed that some people just seem to be naturally content? They always seem to be cheery and fulfilled, no matter what’s happening in their lives.

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How To Find Your Life Balance

Can you find balance in your life? Some say you can, while others say there is no such thing if you want to highly successful.It’s true that many of the most high-profile successful people have anything

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7 Secrets To Reclaiming Confidence

In this article we examine 7 ways that successful people go about reclaiming confidence when faced with setbacks and failures.Winston Churchill once said, “Success is stumbling from failure to failure

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Is There More To Abundance Than Money?

Is There More To Abundance Than Money?Some people equate financial success with abundance. Having money may be a significant part of having plenty, but there’s much more to it.Abundance is a mindset

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