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Category Archives for Self-Belief

5 Things Stopping You Getting What You Want (Part 2 of 2)

Previously we looked at 2 of the 5 things that Prevent You Getting What You Want: ‘Everything is fine’ and ‘I’ve reached my income limit’. You can find Part One here So we

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5 Things Stopping You Getting What You Want (Part 1 of 2)

Most people go through life not getting what they want, but hardly anyone knows why or what to to about it. Here are 5 common things (called ‘limiting beliefs’) that hold people back, and what

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No Self Esteem? You’re Better than Most!

Should everyone have ‘self esteem?’ Indeed, what the hell is ‘self esteem?’ We would all like to have self confidence – the belief in oneself and our abilities, but the term

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7 fears that kill your life purpose

For many years of my life I ran around chasing a lot of things, thinking ‘this is my purpose’ Initially when I left school, my ideas reflected those of my Grandma, who said that I would be

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3 Life Lessons From ‘Back To The Future’

I just happened to re-watch the ‘Back To The Future’ trilogy (1985-90) in the last few days. It occurred to me that there are some very useful ‘Life Lessons’ that were taught in

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Failure Is Not An Option

I just watched a great video recently where Mike Cernovich, was interviewed by Stefan Molyneux. Mike is the author of ‘Gorilla Mindset: How to Control Your Thoughts and Emotions to Live Life on Your

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The Man Who Thinks He Can

I came across this poem that I feel compelled to share with you. The author is credited as being Walter D Wintle but there is not a lot of information about the him other than he is mentioned in Napoleon

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2 Ways To Master Fear

One of the most common questions people ask is ‘How can I eliminate fear in my life’ Now in some circumstances you probably don’t want to eliminate fear – it is a natural defence

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