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Category Archives for Personal Development

Navigating The Wheel Of Life

There often comes a time in life when things come to a head, or they disintegrate and we need to reconstruct things.A very useful tool to use when this happens is called 'The Wheel Of Life.' Basically

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7 Keys To Living A Successful, Purpose-Driven Life

By Mark Williams Author of Presence, Power and Profit “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” – Winston S. Churchill Jeff was the coolest kid at my high school.

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Are Personal Development Courses worth the cost?

Bob Proctor Greetings! You know, one of the pet peeves I have with the personal development industry is the sheer volume of incredible information they have to share with us to make us successful. It is

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What DID you want for New Years this year? (and have you got it yet?)

It's now and I thought I'd just tease you about your New Years Resolution for this year!Usually by July, or even as early as late January, this resolution has often been abandoned or forgotten!What about

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