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Category Archives for Finding Yourself

5 Methods to Simplify Your Life

We only have so much room in our lives. Whether it is our mental space, physical space, or calendar space, everything we do, everything we buy, and everyone we spend time with takes up this space.When

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5 Ways To Keep Self-Sabotage At Bay

In this article we examine why we self sabotage, and look at 5 ways that we can keep self sabotage at bay.We all want to be productive. In fact, many of us even wake up in the morning with all kinds of

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6 Important Reasons Why Living With Purpose Is Important

Like many people, you’re probably focused on achieving your goals and making the most of your potential. But maybe you have overlooked something that turns out to be fundamental not just to your success,

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How to Stop Worrying By Using 30 Minutes

In this article we look at how to stop worrying in 5 steps that will take just 30 minutes of your day.Are you a chronic worrier? Worry can wreck your entire day if you let it. But did you know you have

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Share Your Dreams – What Dreams Are You Afraid To Share?

In this article we look at dreams and why some are afraid to share them.You have a dream in your heart. It’s the one that’s so precious, so fragile, and so important to you that you don’t share it

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Setting Healthier Boundaries: 5 Tips

In this article we look at 5 Tips For Setting Healthier Boundaries.What is a Boundary?The obvious answer is 'a line that delineates between one side and another.'In the personal development space, a boundary

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Find Your Purpose Later in Life – 4 Tips

In this article we look at how to find your purpose - even if you are of 'advanced years'If you are retired, or even just past the first flush of your career, you might think you’ve missed the boat on

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Self-Belief: Here Are 5 Brain Hacks to Build It

In this article we look a several ways to build your self-beliefHave you ever thought there just aren’t enough hours in the day to do everything you want? We find ourselves caught up in a slew of obligations

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9 Positive Reasons To Try Something New

What comes to mind when someone tells you to try something new? Are you eager to jump in and try it out, or are you afraid of possible adverse outcomes? You see, most people get scared away by the

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Survive And Thrive: 8 Ways To Come Out On Top Of Upheaval

Survive And Thrive: 8 Ways To Come Out On Top Of Upheaval"An awful virus threatens society... A loved one dies...The economy shifts... You lose your job..."Let’s face it, upheaval happens whether you’re

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