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Build Your Self Confidence Part 4 – Embrace Change

Fear of change can have a significant impact on a person's confidence.If you struggle to accept or embrace change in your life, you may feel your self-confidence crumble under the pressure. Learning

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Are You A Leader Or A Follower?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a leader? If you have a job, you will know who your leaders are. You might even be in a similar position yourself.According to Napoleon Hill, in the book

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Build Your Self Confidence Part 3 – Feed Your Mind

One of the best ways you can build more self-confidence is to feed your mind.Feeding your mind – or making an effort to learn as much as you can about the world around you – is an excellent way to

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What’s Your Attitude?

What is the “Magic Word?”The term ‘Magic Word’ was first used by Earl Nightingale in the series ‘Lead The Field’, and later adopted by his protégé, Bob Proctor.Definition of AttitudeThe magic

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Build Your Self Confidence Part 2 – Conquer Your Limiting Beliefs

Are you ready to unleash your full potential and overcome the barriers holding you back?You can build your self-confidence by conquering your limiting beliefs.Imagine a life where you break free from the

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Practise what you Preach… The Power of Praxis!

Have you ever heard the saying ‘Practice what you preach?”Sure, it’s certainly a common enough saying, but what does it really mean?When it comes to getting the results you want in life, there is

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Build Your Self Confidence Part 1 – Align With Yourself

In this article we look at several ways that you can build your self confidence.Learning how to live your life in a way that fully aligns with your true self isn’t only liberating –it’s a huge self-confidence

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How Billionaires Think Differently – 6 Ways

In this article we look at 6 Ways How Billionaires Think DifferentlyAre billionaires unusual creatures that are born different from the rest of us? Maybe. Maybe not. It doesn’t really matter.What’s

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Greek Philosopher Aristotle

The Wisdom of Seeking Moderation In All Things

In this article we examine the power of moderation.Aristotle - Greek Philosopher  It’s easy to get caught up in pursuing more of everything we enjoy, but many a time, moderation is a better path

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