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Category Archives for Goal Achievement

13 Essentials For Success – #9 The Master Mind

The 9th Essential of Success, the Master Mind, is recognized as a key method in the boosting of the power, and hence likelihood of success. In ‘Think and Grow Rich,’ Napoleon Hill defines power

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In order to HAVE, we need to BE

I’m sure many, if not all readers have goals. They may be definite or they may not be definite at all. Most personal development teachers will always talk not just about the goals, but how you’re

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Lights, Camera, ACTION!

What Is Action? In philosophy, an action is something which is done by an agent. In common speech, action is synonymous with our behavior. Our behavior can be goal oriented or not. Our actions can move

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7 Keys To Living A Successful, Purpose-Driven Life

By Mark Williams Author of Presence, Power and Profit “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” – Winston S. Churchill Jeff was the coolest kid at my high school.

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Video: Create the life you really want

I thought you’d like to take a look at a video recorded a couple of years ago. In it, Bob Proctor talks about THE most important thing you need to know to create the life you really want. If you

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How To Be Master Procrastinator (Read This Later!)

Here’s a quick question to ask yourself: what have you not done this week that you planned to? The reality is that most people procrastinate for a wide variety of reasons. The first major one is

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Laws Of The Universe #6: The Law Of Compensation

The wording of this law, 'Compensation,' has certain overtones. The dictionary definition of the word is 'reward for service' or 'something given or received as an equivalent for services, debt, loss,

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Why Repetition is the Key to Changing Your Paradigm

Watch Bob Proctor discuss why repetition is important to make any change in your life.Here’s a Brief Summary Below:If you want to change something in your life, you too will need to shift your paradigm.

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9 Tips To Be A Master Persister

Have you ever been on a project and ‘failed’ because you quit? There was once a famous experiment where there was a group of children who were given a plate with one marshmallow on it. They

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Laws of the Universe #3: The Law Of Attraction

We now come to the most well known (and most written about) of all the Laws of the Universe, the Law Of Attraction.Much has been said everywhere, so today I'm just providing a précis of what is already

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