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Category Archives for Limiting Beliefs

Nothing Will Change Until You Do!

It has been said that by the time we reach the age of 35 we are just a set of computer programs that define our behaviors, beliefs and emotions. Many people have also said that beyond this age you can’t

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Bounce Out Of The Dark Side!

If you’re a Star Wars fan you probably know that the ‘Dark Side’ is that of the evil Darth Vader, and that the ‘Light Side’ is that of the heroes including Luke Skywalker. Whilst

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Is Your Glass Half Full Or Half Empty?

Today and for the last few days I noticed that I wasn’t feeling super positive about things in general – in fact there was a definite feeling of disgust and despondency that I couldn’t

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How To Be Master Procrastinator (Read This Later!)

Here’s a quick question to ask yourself: what have you not done this week that you planned to? The reality is that most people procrastinate for a wide variety of reasons. The first major one is

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9 Tips To Be A Master Persister

Have you ever been on a project and ‘failed’ because you quit? There was once a famous experiment where there was a group of children who were given a plate with one marshmallow on it. They

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5 Things Stopping You Getting What You Want (Part 2 of 2)

Previously we looked at 2 of the 5 things that Prevent You Getting What You Want: ‘Everything is fine’ and ‘I’ve reached my income limit’. You can find Part One here So we

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5 Things Stopping You Getting What You Want (Part 1 of 2)

Most people go through life not getting what they want, but hardly anyone knows why or what to to about it. Here are 5 common things (called ‘limiting beliefs’) that hold people back, and what

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