by Gail Jones: Intuitive Coach, Workshop Leader and Insightful Writer Despite our best intentions for positive thinking, there are times in life when we can start sinking into that “rabbit hole” of
Continue Readingby Kyla, Mind Power Editor, Centerpointe Research Institute There’s nothing like a raging wildfire to get us thinking about what’s most important in life, and to crack open our hearts on behalf
Continue Readingby the late Bill Harris, Founder of Centerpointe Research Institute Did you know that your brain is wired to be negative? This phenomenon started in your youth, while the two hemispheres of your brain
Continue ReadingAre you easily crushed by failure? Or do you shrug it off and continue on? I bet most of you would choose the latter but are often captured by the former.Perhaps you need to learn how to become resilient.But
Continue ReadingMany people go about their lives without considering what they truly want, and often end up satisfying other people’s wants and needs instead of their own. The ‘What Do I Want’ exercise
Continue Readingby Marc Gilson, Director of Client Services, Centerpointe Research Institute When I was four years old, I was convinced that there was a monster living under my bed. I didn’t know exactly what
Continue ReadingArticle By Marc Gilson, Director of Client Services, Centerpointe Research Institute (Continued from Part 3a) When you’re plagued with internal values conflicts, you can experience guilt, frustration,
Continue ReadingBy Marc Gilson, Director of Client Services, Centerpointe Research Institute Over the past two editions we’ve discussed happiness, success, and the one thing that we need to have in our lives if we don’t
Continue Readingby Marc Gilson, Director of Client Services, Centerpointe Research Institute You may recall that in Part One we highlighted some of the advice and feedback a young man just beginning a new job received
Continue Readingby Marc Gilson, Director of Client Services, Centerpointe Research Institute (Continued from Part 2a…) We work tirelessly to meet the needs of values that aren’t quite fully ours, and with a nagging
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