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Video: The Magical Science Behind The Law Of Attraction

This short video shows you how the Law Of Attraction is valid scientifically. Get Started Here

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Video: How Brainwave Frequencies Can Change Your Life

This short video shows the incredible world of Brainwave Entrainment that can raise your ‘vibration’ for success! Get Started Here

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Bill Harris

Life Principle # 5: Own It!

by Bill Harris, Founder, Centerpointe Research Institute In this article, the late Bill Harris discusses how your life will be empowered when you take responsibility, not just for what you do, but for

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Calming The Fear

by Gail Jones: Intuitive Coach, Workshop Leader and Insightful Writer Despite our best intentions for positive thinking, there are times in life when we can start sinking into that “rabbit hole” of

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Rescue Me – Meditation for First Responders

by Kyla, 
Mind Power Editor, Centerpointe Research Institute There’s nothing like a raging wildfire to get us thinking about what’s most important in life, and to crack open our hearts on behalf

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Your Brain Is A Pessimist (but you don’t have to be!)

by the late Bill Harris, Founder of Centerpointe Research Institute Did you know that your brain is wired to be negative? This phenomenon started in your youth, while the two hemispheres of your brain

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20 Tips to Building And Maintaining Resilience

Are you easily crushed by failure? Or do you shrug it off and continue on? I bet most of you would choose the latter but are often captured by the former.Perhaps you need to learn how to become resilient.But

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