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Stop Fearing Fear – Uncovering The Antidote To Fear

by Marc Gilson, Director of Client Services, Centerpointe Research InstituteYou'd have to live under a rock not to have heard about the coronavirus!Then again, living under a rock might be the safest place

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Fatigue: A Hidden Epidemic Hiding in Plain Sight

by Ari WhittenChronic lack of energy has become an epidemic! And it’s wrecking people’s lives.People are tired… They’re sick. …They’re stressed. …They’re exhausted … They’re anxious

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6 Ways To Live Without Regrets

by Natalie Ledwell​Most of us have something (or things) tucked away inside that we regret, or think “If only…”But what if we were to look at it in a different way? What if we learned how to let

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Choose Your Destiny – Mastering Your Internal Map Of Reality

by Bill Harris (1950-2018), late founder and director of Centerpointe Research Institute.Having choice in your life is THE KEY to happiness, success, health and love. Everything that you can control in

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Life Story: Change It And Change Your Life

​This article discusses and answers the question 'What is a Life Story' and describes what's in store for this series.​The Brain Again!The brain is a remarkable organ. Its role is to keep us alive,

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Is it Selfish to Pursue Your Dreams?

by Mary MorrisseyHave you ever wondered if it’s selfish to pursue your dreams?The answer to this question is: It depends! It CAN be selfish to pursue your dream, if your dream is only about you. But

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12 Steps to Creating a Truly Happy & Fulfilled Life

by Sonia Ricotti1. Write Down Your GoalsTake the time to do this one very important and crucial exercise. What do you want to accomplish in the next 30 days?Don’t just think about it or talk about it,

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Wu Wei – How To Get a Lot Done By Doing (Almost) Nothing

by Marc Gilson, Director of Client Services, Centerpointe Research InstituteI was ten years old when I walked in the living room to find my father sitting on the sofa, his eyes closed. He was not

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Wrapping It Up: Maximise Your Happiness Part 8

We now come the end of this series of articles on how to maximise your happiness. We learned that there are actually 6 layers to achieving happiness:Maximise Your Happiness - Layer 1: Desire. What do we

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Your Current Mood – Maximising Your Happiness Part 7

This article shows how your current mood can be always be happiness, simply by shifting your emotions the way you want them.Your Current MoodDepending on your mood, you will see things in a certain way.

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