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The Missing Secret

Recently I listened to an interview with Rhonda Byrne, who created the movie 'The Secret'. This movie came out in 2006 and was an incredible success not only for her and her team, but for all of the teachers

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‘I can help you… I just need a ladder’

Many people use the words Empathy, Sympathy and Compassion interchangeably, yet each word has a different meaning.Imagine yourself walking along and you come across a big hole.Inside there is someone

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What DID you want for New Years this year? (and have you got it yet?)

It's now and I thought I'd just tease you about your New Years Resolution for this year!Usually by July, or even as early as late January, this resolution has often been abandoned or forgotten!What about

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Why Vision Boards Don’t Work

You probably have heard a lot about using visualization and vision boards to help you achieve your goals.However, for most people (up to 60% of us) vision boards are pretty useless!Why?Simply stated, some

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5 Things to Do If You’re in a Career Rut

So you've managed to do everything by the book. Gone to school, got a degree, and even have a regular job.However, you now find yourself no longer satisfied with your career. You feel as if you have reached

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Trust Your Gut!

We’ve all had those gut feelings that either warn us of something or tell us to go for it. But can you trust yours?Watch the video below now to find out why people

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The Secrets to Holiday Happiness

Hi,As I write it is Christmas Holidays 2017However, whenever you are celebrating...I hope you are enjoying your holidays!In all the hurly burly of the season, many people get caught up in the mechanics

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