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Category Archives for Internal Map of Reality (General Articles)

Exploring Your Internal Map Of Reality Part 2 – Beliefs (Part 1 of 2)

What is a Belief? Basically, a belief is any idea that we hold to be true (even if it isn’t true.)  Furthermore, for anyone that holds that belief, it is always true. In your Internal Map Of Reality,

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Understanding Self Sabotage: 10 Principles That Will Change Your Life

By Bill Harris (1950-2018), late director and CEO, Centerpointe Research Institute Bill Harris What you believe has a powerful effect on your life. Your beliefs, including those you are not consciously

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The Processes That Run Our Life

We all know that we all experience the world through a combination of our mind and our senses. But we all process these stimuli differently. This difference is called our ‘subjective’ reality,

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Bounce Out Of The Dark Side!

If you’re a Star Wars fan you probably know that the ‘Dark Side’ is that of the evil Darth Vader, and that the ‘Light Side’ is that of the heroes including Luke Skywalker. Whilst

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How You’ll Win the Game Of Life

Have you have noticed lately that your feelings can swing from good to bad – sometimes wildly and sometimes mildly? This is because we all see the world in terms of either black or white. We do this

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