This article is about Patterns and Conditioning and how they affect your happinessConditioning Our HappinessAs we get deeper in to our 'Happiness Onion', the next layer we encounter is that of our 'conditioned'
Continue ReadingThis article looks at the role of limiting beliefs on Happiness.What is a 'limiting' belief?Have you ever been in a situation where you feel you 'should' be happy but you're not? Often the reason for this
Continue ReadingThis article examines the role of desire in determining your level of happiness.Desire and External Influences.The first and most external layer of happiness is the role played by desire. When we
Continue ReadingGuest post by Kyla Merwin, Centerpointe Research Institute Sooner or later, for better or worse, pretty much everyone (everyone I know, anyway) has rolled their eyes to the heavens and wondered: What’s
Continue ReadingBy Marc Gilson, Director of Client Services, Centerpointe Research Institute Over the past two editions we’ve discussed happiness, success, and the one thing that we need to have in our lives if we don’t
Continue ReadingArticle by Marc Gilson, Director of Client Services, Centerpointe Research Institute I came across a post in an online forum the other day that got my attention. The original poster said he had just
Continue ReadingIt has been said that by the time we reach the age of 35 we are just a set of computer programs that define our behaviors, beliefs and emotions. Many people have also said that beyond this age you can’t
Continue ReadingToday and for the last few days I noticed that I wasn’t feeling super positive about things in general – in fact there was a definite feeling of disgust and despondency that I couldn’t
Continue ReadingThe use of the word ‘manifestation’ has semi-religious overtones but all it really means is the rendering of ideas into actuality. There is nothing magic about it – humans have been
Continue ReadingCredit: By Tony Webster from Portland, Oregon, United States (Forgive.) , via Wikimedia Commons Today we consider the 8th of the so-called 'Laws of the Universe' - The Law Of Forgiveness. Remember
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