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Category Archives for Personal Growth

Why Repetition is the Key to Changing Your Paradigm

Watch Bob Proctor discuss why repetition is important to make any change in your life.Here’s a Brief Summary Below:If you want to change something in your life, you too will need to shift your paradigm.

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How will you celebrate success?

I have been talking a lot about how to be successful and get what you want. One of the most important parts of the ‘Success Process’ is to celebrate your wins. Even if they are minor such as

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4 Ways To Focus and Grow

Have you ever noticed there are times when you are totally absorbed in a project or task, yet there are other times where you are totally distracted and cannot focus at all? There are 4 ways we behave

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Are Personal Development Courses worth the cost?

Bob Proctor Greetings! You know, one of the pet peeves I have with the personal development industry is the sheer volume of incredible information they have to share with us to make us successful. It is

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What DID you want for New Years this year? (and have you got it yet?)

It's now and I thought I'd just tease you about your New Years Resolution for this year!Usually by July, or even as early as late January, this resolution has often been abandoned or forgotten!What about

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