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All posts by Nick Turner

Laws Of The Universe: What is a Law of Life?

If you've ever puzzled over things in life, you may have come to the conclusion that some things just 'seem' to be following a law.In physics, and science in general, 'laws' have been formulated this and

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9 Ways To Take Responsibility for Your Life

In this article we talk about responsibility, what it is, and look at 9 ways to take responsibility for your life.It is a given that everyone wants to be successful, but a lot of people don't realise

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Life's Purpose - Dreams

9 Simple Ways To Discover Your Purpose in Life

In today's article we look at 9 ways to discover your purpose in life. This is an quick overview of the topic, which you can find discussed in detail in the series 'Finding Your Life Purpose' Life is

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Happiness and Success

How To Live A Happy And Successful Life – Series Conclusion

So now we come to the end of quite a long series. We are trying to answer the question "What Makes A Happy And Successful Life?" As we saw, there are many dimensions to this question.Article 2 examined

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A Deeper Dive Into Motivation (How To Live A Happy And Successful Life Part 16)

This article does a deeper dive into Motivation. It describes how we can optimise our motivation to live a happy and successful life.A Deeper Dive, A Deeper UnderstandingAs we discussed in a previous article

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7 Traits of Successful People (How To Live A Happy And Successful Life Part 15)

In Part 13 of this series we dealt with what makes people unsuccessful. Now it's time to flip the coin and look at 7 traits of successful people.In the modern world, most people have a set of dreams

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6 Tips To Deal With Life’s Challenges (How To Life A Happy And Successful Life Part 14)

In this article we discover 2 ways that we look at things and give 6 tips on how to deal with life's challenges."A life without challenges is a life wasted." - Minh Tanh, bloggerIt's All In The Mind!It

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What Makes Someone Unsuccessful? (How To Live A Happy And Successful Life Part 13)

What Makes Someone Unsuccessful?This article will look at things that tend to make people unsuccessful and suggest ways to counteract these things. There have been many articles written on how to be successful,

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Fine Tune Your Work Life Balance – 12 Tips (How to Live A Happy And Successful Life Part 12)

In this article we discuss ways that you can fine tune your Work Life Balance. These tips focus on steps to improve your work, community and home life.As the late 20th century and early 21st centuries

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Socialise For Success – How To Live A Happy And Successful Life Part 11

In this article we talk about how to socialise for success.Having a great circle of friends and socialising with people is a great way to propel your life ahead.That said, whilst we don't always meet people

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